I know Taylor gets their high gloss topcoat from Simtec. But, they offer the following:

37x5 UV Cure Thick Topcoat
37x1 UV High Gloss Clear Topcoat
37x2 UV High Gloss Clear Topcoat
37x6 UV High Gloss Clear Topcoat


Does anyone out there know which one to go with, and what the differences are between them? I'm only doing small crack and ding repair, so I don't need a gallon of finish. Also, I've seen Frank use a 3M dental UV light gun. I've seen on many sites, including ebay, that require the buyer to provide proof that they are "qualified" to purchase one of these dental lamps. How do I get around that, or am I "qualified" due to the type of work I do? Any recommendations on UV gun models would be greatly appreciated as well. I can't afford to drop $3000 on a set up. I've seen the dental guns on ebay from about $80. That's more of the price range I was looking at. Anyone have any input????


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The dental gun I use works with visible light, NOT UV.  I got my "Versa Glaze" material from a dental supply company that will sell to civilians.  I just called around and asked for a reference - unfortunately I've forgotten the name of the source, so I suppose I'll have to call around again.  That said, I use the Versa Glaze so little that a $30 bottle (7 ml.) lasts me  years.  I've also picked up some out of date material from my dentist.  I've never even considered using Versa Glaze as a top coat finish - the material cost along would be stupendous.

I guess I'm a bit confused. What exactly does that dental gun do? Does it not cure UV finish? I'm just wanting to a setup to fix dings and cracks. When you say "visible light", what does that mean and do? Thanks for your help.


Hi Jeff,

The finish Taylor uses is 37x6 UV Topcoat. You'll need a light too such as this one ,  works great but you'll have to pony up the cash.



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