My son, Jack, obviously has too many nice guitars sitting around in his bedroom. The Gilet custom strat had a fall but fortunately was not damaged since it landed on something soft - another guitar. It was a Vicente Sanchis classical which took a blow from the strat headstock to the bass upper bout. It has a 12 x 9mm hole punched in the side (Indian Rosewood), very close to the front binding. It actually punched the kerfing off on the inside also.
Unfortunately, I was away at the time that it happened and Jack didn't keep the splintered bits that ended up inside the guitar. I have some EIR that could make a patch. The finish looks like nitro and that will need repairing also. There are a couple of smaller dents to the wood binding, BWB purfling and the very edge of the cedar top. They might steam out alright. This is a nice classical but it is nothing like mint condition and we are not trying to restore it to new. Any suggestions for how to do a reasonable repair?
I have a bit of experience with guitar building (have built two and a half steel-strings), and some amateur repairing. My first thoughts were to file/sand the hole to a regular shape with clean edges and angle (undercut) the edges slightly. Then introduce a patch from the inside which is slightly thicker than the side material and with a bevelled edge to match the sloped edge of the hole. Fit it so that there is a reasonable grain match, and the patch sits a little proud on the outside. Cleats across it on the inside and clamp it somehow while it dries (maybe magnet clamp?). Then sand it flush. But then how do I repair the finish? Would CA glue be an option for patching the gloss finish?
But maybe someone has a totally different method to suggest? Perhaps this guitar just needs a new soundport..........