Greetings! I just inherited a Pre-War Gibson that I believe is an L-00 or L-01, but am turning to the experts for opinions. Unfortunately, it was kept in a basement with no case, with the strings the bridge is fubar'd and the finish is less than perfect. Attached are some pictures, please, if you have any opinions/thoughts/advice on what I can do with it, it would be much appreciated.


Aaron Grubbs

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Your guitar is an L-00. I once owned a 12 fret model exactly like that, all black with a white pickguard.

Doesn't look like it needs a whole lot to get it playable.

You say you had...may I inquire an average estimate on this guitar assuming it was repaired?
Beautiful beautiful L-00!!!!! You are one lucky guy. I am however sorry if there was a loss associated with the inherited guitar. I would recommend having the braces and bridge plate inspected. Many people love the look of the distressed old guitar, it ads the 'mojo' we read so much about on eBay. The main concerns should be structural, there may be failed glue joints that could cause a of of damage to the guitar, so be most concerned with all structural issues.
Thank you both so much! I suspected it was an L-00 and thank you for confirming. I'm going to take it to a local Luthier this week and see if he has the guts to fix it :).
What a gorgeous 00. Amazing that it is in your hands you lucky guy!
be veryyyyyyyyyyyy careful cleaning this guitar...that logo could disappear in an instant if done hastily.


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