I am trying to find the plans to the binding machine that LMII used to carry.  Does anyone know where I can find them?

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isn't it the same thing as the bending jig ?

No. the binding machine cuts the binding/purfling channels while the bending jig just bends the binding/purfling.

o yea these are simple works just like your kitchen drawer,you will need to make a sled to hold the guitar and what I call the Kitchen drawer with Laminate trimmer attached .I bought the first one now I make them from scratch way easy I don't have plans drawn If i feel up to it I can shot you some photos if I get the bug to do that or maby somebody else has plans drawn up let me know if you need help  .

Did you call LMI? The web site might not be accurate. They may have the source.... or contact Mr. Ribbeke directly?

Thanks for that.  I emailed Tom but didn't think of contacting LMII

At the moment I'm building one from plans I got from Luthier Cool Tools: Jig

I find it much better than the StuMac / LMI system, as the guitar body is clamped tight, and you rotate the router round it, unlike SM / LMI's system, where you have to rotate the body around the fixed router.

I built the fret buttress they have as a plan too, works great! 

Thank you very much

Grahame how does it work for going around the back were the back is a different depth? Does the router sit down on the guitar or is there some sort of wheel that runs on the top edge under the router? If the router sits on the guitar it would be no diferent than doing it by hand .Iam very interested but i am curious as to how it all works. Thanks   BILL....................

Hi Bill

As you can see in the pictures, the jig has a parallelogram linkage which ensures that the router is always vertical, and also it has a PTFE bearing which rides on the top or back. Mine is nearly finished, I still have to fabricate the parallelogram linkage and the actual router mounting, but otherwise it's built. I'll be using my Bosch GKF 600, which is called Bosch Colt in the USA I think.

It's cost more than I thought it would, the hardware was quite expensive altogether. I even had to order the lazy susan bearing in England, I couldn't find one anywhere here in Germany.

It is a lot of fun though, and I'm confident it'll work better than the SM / LMI system.

Merry Christmas Btw! 

Nice work, Grahame~!  It looks real solid... Does the arm have (or need) any means to articulate from side-to-side in addition to the 'out-&-back' via the drawer slides?  Or, asked another way, can you do the entire back (or top) without moving the body? 

And a Merry Christmas yourself, sir~

Whoa... just took a better look and answered my own Q: the base of the articulating arm has the lazy susan device. ....(cancel the stupid question!)

Our posts crossed, I answered your stupid question anyway :-)

The pictures are not from my jig, I found them somewhere on the net from somebody else's version. Mine is made from dark brown 18mm multiplex, the plans specify 3/4" birch ply, which is a tad thicker. But I don't think it's gonna break anytime soon :-)

I'll also be making the parallelogram linkage and the router base out of multiplex: The plans specify 3/16" aluminum (!), which is a bit overkill to me! It's not a space shuttle man, it doesn't need to survive re-entry into the atmosphere :-) 


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