Recently I got a Suzuki (labeled: Nagoya, Japan, number on neckblok: 710128) in for repair. This guitar's bridge, bolted to the soundboard using only 1 central bolt, was off when I got this instrument. The bridge was warped, but that's been corrected by now.
The strange thing to me with that bridge is that there is a "slot" routed out where I'd expect a saddle to fit, but...
The slot is only about 1 milimeter deep and is half-circular (as you'd get by drilling a hole in wood and then sawing this would straight through that hole) Difficult for me to explain in words (see the attached pics).
I wonder if this bridge had any saddle fitted in originaly. There's no visible damage to the slotted part of the bridge, as I would expect there would be without a saddle... So I'm thinking maybe there was a round saddle that fitted in the slot?
I've never seen a saddle like that... Anyone who knows these bridges?
Thanks in advance!
Tags: Suzuki, bridge, saddle
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