I'm working on a 1972 D-18 that has a small hole punched in the lower treble bout. Bumped against a cast-iron fish cooker. I salvaged the piece but couldn't get it back into the hole because of the torn grain. So I'm patching. I have an old D-18 side from the 1833 shop that I will use for the transplant. The only thing I can't decide on is the shape of the patch. I can cut a patch the same shape as the existing hole, or cut a football-shape patch, or a hexagon patch or a diamond patch or a rectangular patch. Decisions, decisions. How do y'all vote? The guitar has been neglected and I've already patched the divots in the fingerboard and am using a new Martin "saddle-back" bridge to cover up the damage from a previous bad bridge-gluing the previous owner did. The finish is checked some, but the top has turned a nice orange-y color. The neck has some capo scars and a large rub from a cheap case, which I'm currently filling and leveling. SO, it's not pristine, just a decent player.