I'm looking to build an electric mandolin, but I want it to look like an F style acoustic mando.

I;ve never built a mando before. I don't even know what scale they use. I need a plan that will give me the size and shape of an F style, body thickness,  as well as the size(width, depth and profile) of a standard mandolin neck. Preferably free.

Yeah, I know, don't want much, lol.

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 Are you wanting plans to build an F style mandolin and add pickups or are you just wanting the shape for a solid body that size and shape?

If you want to build an F style and add pickups, I'd recommend that you spend the money on one of Roger Siminoff's Books. I have "Constructing a Bluegrass Mandolin" which is the original book. It includes full sized plans and some instruction for actually building it. The carving can be tricky, particularly the scroll,  if you haven't done this sort of thing before.  He has another book named; "The Ultimate Bluegrass Mandolin Construction Manual" which I can't comment about except to say that the descriptions indicate that it is a more complete set of instructions. The original book will get you there but there are some spots where it's not real clear so it will take some study to get thing right.  Can't say if the new book corrects these.

 Both are available on Roger Siminoff's site, here with the older book going for 16-17 dollars and the new one about twice that. I know you are looking for free but if you haven't built a carved top instrument before, carving the top for a F style mandolin is probably something you will need instructions as well as plans to pull off well the first time around. Considering the investment you're probably going to make in materials, paying for plans and instruction shouldn't be that hard to do.  Even medium grade wood for a carved top is costly enough to justify spending some money to help insure that you don't have to start over on a new top or back.   

Stu- Mac sells the plans you are looking for.Bill.............

Bill, thanks!

Ned, thanks. I'm looking for the plans for an F style mandolin, but I plan to take the shape and the dimensions and build a hollow body, carved top version of an electric. As far as carving the top goes, I build carved top, set neck electric guitars, so I think with a bit of care I can carve the top. The scroll is something I will approach in several trial runs until I get it right.

The woods will be bought at my local hardwood dealer, so I won't be buying them from luhier supply houses. The woods will cost me around $100.  I'm basically building this as a personal instrument firstly, and as a trial run to see if I can get something worthy of adding to the models that I build.

I want to get the feel as close to an F style as I can, so that it's easy and familiar for a player (this one) to switch between the two.

Sorry about that , Mike. I guess I can't help you. Everything I have is copyrighted.

Ned, thanks. That's alright. I'll spring for the Stew Mac plans.Since I'm not building a true F5, I was hoping to get what I needed with something free on the 'net. But I will probably end up building one in the future anyway, so it won't hurt to bite the bullet and purchase the plans now. Or the Siminoff book.

Mike I have the set of drawings from Stu- Mac .I have no use for them any more.You would be wellcome to them if you pay for the postage. It would likely cost about $10. to send them to you or what ever.Bill............ 


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