Hi my friends.

I've been looking at Big Babies as a possible second guitar,

but cannot seem to get past those 2 tinted wood screws

going through the fretboard. Can you please let me know

if this is a good method to help hold the neck to the body?

It seems odd to me, but then again, I am not a luthier.

Thanks in advance for any input.


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Hi, sorry, forgot I asked this question in the past. 

Wow, my memory is getting bad.

I've got the Baby which has the same screws. Seems to work fine. They look like sheetrock screws. I'd like to know what they are so I can keep some on hand.

If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck... does it really matter what you call it?

It would only matter if they're not.

Yes, they are standard dry wall screws.

No magic formula involved.

If they really bother someone all that much, there's nothing preventing a fellow from removing the screws, deepening the holes another 1/16" or 1/8" of an inch and inlaying a pair of ebony plugs to cover them.  

Dobros have screws holding down the necks and they used MOP inlays to cover them, so the same can be done with ebony (or rosewood) plugs to match the fingerboard. 


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