New Martin d28 B String Buzzes Tried evertything

Bought a 2008 Martin D-28 new from a shop going out of business.
It played fine at the shop.

After playing it for an Hour, lots of lead and string bending, B string sounds Dead. It doesnt "ring" but sounds thuddy.

Took it to a Authorized service, what a joke. He made a new bridge, charged me $150 and no dif. Started adjusting the Truss, no diference.

Light strings. Any Ideas b4 I ship it up to Penn?

Tags: Buss, Fret, Martin, d28

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Hi there,
Is the dead sound when the string is fretted/played open or does it not matter? Secondly, I am assuming that you have tried a new string.
It could be laying acoss a level nut slot or too loose a slot.asthe string goes on the tuner is there a down angle
from the nut? Sometimes a kink in a string will make hard to find buzzes.
@ things
1) in my error, it was the saddle not the bridge that was replaced for $150 (i just replaced the bridge on daughters violin, brain freeze, sorry)

2) yes, have had 4 sets of strings on trying to fix this, they all buzz (or thud would be more accurate).

and the buzz (or thud) is on the 5 - 7th frets. Sometimes adjusting the truss changes the frets that buzz temporairily, but it all settles back to the 5-7th fret after a while. Yes I am turning 1/4 turns and allowing time overnight for settling.

Any Ideas?
Please tell us you tried another set of strings before you had the bridge made...
If you bought it new from a dealer, then Martin will (at no charge to you) correct the problem to your satisfaction.
Yeah, but I have to pay shipping, ($200?) and packing and it will be weeks. Also you have to play it for a while for it to happen, I'm afraid they will strum it, say "No problem here" and send it back. Once again im out shipping and packing.

Having played and collected many guitars over the years, I have learned that even if I want to use a specific gauged set of strings, the guitar itself may need something different. I prefer 11-52 on everything, but my 60's Eros, even though it has a long scale and is a huge dreadnaught, somehow sounds better with a 48 low E. I have found this to be more of an issue with acoustics than electrics. My Les Pauls and Teles are built like tanks and the heavy bass suits them. Perhaps your light set is too light? Perhaps the guitar wants a light gauge set with a lighter or heavier B string wire?

It is not always the most convenient way to do things, but each guitar has a personality that we discover, and subsequently it's own specific needs to play the best. Good Luck
@ things
1) in my error, it was the saddle not the bridge that was replaced for $150 (i just replaced the bridge on daughters violin, brain freeze, sorry)

2) yes, have had 4 sets of strings on trying to fix this, they all buzz (or thud would be more accurate).

and the buzz (or thud) is on the 5 - 7th frets. Sometimes adjusting the truss changes the frets that buzz temporairily, but it all settles back to the 5-7th fret after a while. Yes I am turning 1/4 turns and allowing time overnight for settling.

Any Ideas?
maybe I should put a G in the B slot to see if that helps?
New Bridge?!! Hmmmm.....$150 isn't much for a new bridge R/R. Why a new bridge?

Did he check the nut? Slot depth and shape and angle? Did he check neck relief and fret height? Did the new bridge include a correctly-shaped saddle? Did he check the bridge plate and for loose braces?

Did you check the winding on the b string? Did your bridge have the pins fitted correctly and the pin-holes slotted?
Maybe he decided he liked the buzz!
@ things
1) in my error, it was the saddle not the bridge that was replaced for $150 (i just replaced the bridge on daughters violin, brain freeze, sorry)

2) yes, have had 4 sets of strings on trying to fix this, they all buzz (or thud would be more accurate).

and the buzz (or thud) is on the 5 - 7th frets. Sometimes adjusting the truss changes the frets that buzz temporairily, but it all settles back to the 5-7th fret after a while. Yes I am turning 1/4 turns and allowing time overnight for settling.

Any Ideas?


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