I am looking for a single bushing and am wondering if someone here might have 1 to either sell or trade. I have been looking on ebay for a while and have not had luck tracking down a mate to the 5 others. The bushing is 7/16 from end to end and it is a dome shape. I have lots of bushings of different age periods and makes and would be happy to either trade, or simply buy if anyone has one of these lying around. Stupidly, I did not measure the inner diameter of the hole, but I do have some pictures of it.

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Hi Matt.

Are these metal or plastic?

Either way, next week I'll check at the vintage shop that I work at a couple of days a week doing repairs & setups.  If my guy has a few, I'll send you some @ no charge. He seems to have like 23 of everything under the sun. Ya, we're always one short too (:

I'll post my e-mail if I find any & you can send me the shipping address.

Best of luck,


Thanks Paul, that is very generous. They are metal and like I said, if anything comes up that you or your shop might need, let me know. I can not claim to have a great collection of items, but I have a decent amount of 'junk' in the parts drawers.

I am positive stew mac or Lmii have it
Hi Frank, they aren't fancy enough to be sold individually on stew mac, I have never spent time on the LMI site.
Matt, what is the ID? I'll look in my bin o' junk tuner parts.
Hi Greg. The bushing is for an Aspen AD-28. A Martin knock off from Japan. It is a nice old guitar with a good voice. This guitar has the cheap 'economy' tuners and I was going to replace them with some rotomatics, but don't really see the point in punching extra holes in the back of the head for no reason. The economy tuners work just fine. By the way, I am calling them economy tuners because they are very similar to the tuners available on stewmac listed as economy tuners..... Thank you_
Umm . . .  I meant Inside Diameter.

oops.  The inside diameter is 7/32. Sorry about that.


I may have what you need, here are the dimesions, and they are dome shaped.

outer diam. of dome 7/16"

inside diam. or tuner shaft hole 7/32"

total depth or length  9/32"



In addition to the above this bushing fits into 5/16" or .332" peghead holes.



Sorry for the delay. The bushing fits into 5/16. All of your listed dimensions are spot on. Thank you Jim.


I can mail this to you if you like, send me a private message with your mailing address.




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