OK, so I'm always a little naturally suspicious of anything that changes the physics of the guitar as we know it.
Recently there's been a decent advertising splash in the guitar mags for "Power Pins" manufactured by Bigrock Engineering, that describe a new way to anchor strings to the bridge. A big benefit is said to be the protection of the bridgeplate.
In one of their print ads, one benefit is touted as being "decreased string angle" at the saddle, which supposedly helps something? Interesting that particular "benefit" is missing from the website. http://www.f1pick.com/bridgeplate.html
Maybe they'd be an alternative to help salvage a really chewed-up bridge plate? ... then again...
I have no dog in the fight... don't own any, never seen 'em in action, nothing. But I'm curious if anyone here on the board has used them and, if so, what the thoughts might be.
Low and behold, I may have to eat a bit of crow here. First thing this morning I received a call from Allen at Big Rock Engineering, who upon being alerted to this thread quickly and proactively called me to offer his apologies and explanation. The photo in question was found on a Google image search without any source credit as they found it, and if I didn't consent to use of it with their product he would have his web designer pull it down asap.
I'm still not a fan of the product, but I will say that the folks behind are very much respectable and upright in being so proactive and courteous when the issue came to their attention.
It's great to hear there are still some good folks out there. Thanks for the closure info on the photo issue.
Per chance... did Allen happen to mention anything about this forum's opinion of the product?
It certainly falls into the "Just because it CAN be done; that doesn't mean that it SHOULD be done" category.
Again, thanks for the info...and I don't think you're looking at crow stew for dinner :) You're initial concern was valid.
First of all, I dont know if being a manufacturer bars me from this bulletin board, someone tell me, and ill cancel my membership right now. I wanted to respond to a few things i saw on here. I found this blog from a google alert, for Power Pins. As for using Davids, pictures, I believe we have that straightened out. As far as our Pins go, I would like to offer a challenge to anyone on this board, to get a free set of Power Pins sent to them, by me. I will pay shipping, in exchange for a straight up review, let the chips fall where the may. Just to be clear, first request gets them, one set only, Ill pay for return shipping if you decide you hate them and want them off your guitar. Hope one of you takes me up on it.
*where they may
Well, nobody can accuse you of hiding away, or not taking business seriously! I'm going to decline your offer, only because I don't have a guitar that needs the modification, but I'm sure someone will take you up on this.
Thanks for having the courage to actually come engage with the community.
Thanks Mark, much appreciated, you know Ive already sent a set to Frank at Gryphon, Im sure the guys on here will be interested in what he has to say, as will I.
There is still one more set available.
Seen in an entirely philosophical way.
The best, most graphical exposition was chosen, so perhaps a form of flattery!
However, I'm glad that David's excellent demonstration. Which must have involved serious work and time consuming preparation.
Obviously the result of tremendous experience and an immense depth of knowledge, has so swiftly seen, the right thing done, by the Company concerned.
Quote: "one benefit is touted as being "decreased string angle" at the saddle, which supposedly helps something?"
I'm sure everyone will be completely familiar with the Traditional Gibson Wrap Round Bridge/Tailpiece.
Years ago, lil' Jimmy Page started inserting his Strings into the Stop Tailpiece of his Les Paul from the Bridge Side.
Then, wrapped the Strings over the top of the Tailpiece to correctly orientate them to pass over the Bridge, in the conventional manner.
This allowed the Tailpiece to be lowered further in its Studs to enhance Stability and Sustain, whilst Raising the Strings allowing the String Break Angle to be Reduced.
Thus the Player Experience is a perception of Somewhat Lighter Fingering, Reduced String Tension and an Enhanced Facility to Bend Strings, more Easily and Further, than would otherwise normally be the case.
The undesirable and avoided alternative, is to raise the Tailpiece to a point, where it's getting uncomfortably close to the top of the Body Studs, becoming Less Stable and it was theorised because of that, providing Less Sustain for the Player.
So it's an Electric Guitar Playing concept, probably the kind of feature that will appeal to a Player that has his Guitar fitted with Extra Light Strings, and wants his Acoustic Guitar to Play like an Electric Guitar, and use Techniques, that would normally be really expected just to be heard on an Electric.
Here are similarly appointed Joe Bonamassa Models.
Quote: "I dont know if being a manufacturer bars me from this bulletin board, someone tell me, and ill cancel my membership right now."
I don't think there's any need for that.
There are other people here involved with Manufacturers.
Some of them try to avoid "Normal" and are even more "Innovative"!
I hope you enjoy the Laser Projected Stallions, Galloping Away down the Road.
Cutting Edge Design and Technologies, as well as Traditional Hand Craft and Wood Veneer Work.
With every possible respect.
I would have Designed and Marketed this Device a little Differently.
I hope you won't mind me exploring that, and will benefit from the thoughts that follow in the stream of consciousness below.
This is a Niche' Product.
You must properly comprehend The Niche' Market.
And Strongly Present the Product in a Manner your Target Demographic, Appreciate and Value.
Plenty of Guitar Players.
Want an Acoustic Guitar that Play like an Electric.
I would Market this Device as a Gadget, Facilitating Electric Guitar Technique.
Young Players, that want to use the most Extreme Techniques, will be ready to try Products with Potential to Enhance their Fretting Ability.
Classical Tie Bridges.
Like String Through Bridges.
Completely Pre-Dated Pinned Bridges.
So a Conversion Technology is Entirely Legitimate.
The Device is Reversible.
Its Removable as Easily as its Fitted.
So Players can Use it, and Change Back if Necessary.
It's true.
Some Delight in being Different.
And want to Stand Out Distinctly from the Crowd.
So having a Device like this might Strongly Appeal to that Type of Individual.
It's also even more true.
That most Guitarists are very Conservative.
They like Safe, Traditional, Established Design Aesthetics.
A Similar Device which Seated Wholly Within the Small Bridge Footprint.
And was Finished To Blend Discretely with the Bridge it is fitted to, might thus be Appropriate and Desirable.
Seated Wholly Within the Small Bridge Footprint.
Finished To Blend Discretely with the Bridge it is fitted to, but with a Pearl or Red Highlighting Dot.
Will Appeal to and Attract Potential Users sitting on either side of this Aesthetic Fence of the Traditional and Evolutionary.
The way to Sell This.
Is to get a Great Player to Use It.
Exploring New, Wilder, Playing Techniques.
Than Conventional to Traditional Acoustic Guitar Playing.
Considering the Cost.
Of High End Musical Instruments.
And the Inherent Bridge Plate Design Weakness.
Manufacturers have Rested on their Laurels for Many Decades.
Rather than Directly Address, Problems that Could be Solved by Research and Development.
For Owners, It is a genuine concern and eventual difficulty, waiting for a Manufacturer Developed, Factory Fitted, Ultimate Solution.
Big Name Manufacturers could and many will believe should have already Developed a Factory Fit Option, to Solve this immutable Bridge Plate Wear Inevitability.
The Device Addresses that Issue.
If as well as being a Guitar Player.
One considers oneself as something of a Guitar Collector.
Preserving the Instrument in Mint, Vintage, Original Condition, and Completely Pristine.
With Concomitant, Factory Fitted, Original Strings, which are Never Changed from New, can totally avoid this Bridge Wear Problem.
As few would want that scenario, a Solution is Needed!
I cannot Endorse.
Or Condemn this Product.
So would not wish to Comment.
But have attended Professional Recording Fora.
Where Top Mastering Engineers have had their Studio Photos used by On Line, cut price, Pirates.
It's a Great Credit to the Superb Quality of People that Run and Attend this Fora, and indeed Everyone Involved , that this Issue, has been so Quickly and Satisfactorily Resolved.
It is Indeed a High Class Fora!
Thank You Frank.
(off topic comment:) Duane Allman and Billy Gibbons also use(d) the wrap over the LP bridge stringing. Another benefit is less crushing force the ABR style bridge. IMHO it does sound, feel, and tune better having the tailpiece cranked down. This also creates a nice plane of strings to rest your picking hand.
I never was aware of that, I play a Strat. Very interesting, information , much appreciated. Im thinking about getting a Les Paul, but it will have to be really chambered out, I hate heavy guitars.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and in depth analysis of our product. You have a lot of great input here, and we will seriously take a look at your marketing ideas. We know its an uphill battle, considering the "knee jerk" reactions that we get from traditionalists . We really believe in the product, and feel sure that we will gain acceptance. Obviously its going to take some time, but all indications are that those who have bought them are extremely pleased, and your suggestions may indeed help us to address the right demographic. I have to say that im surprised, and at the same time not surprised, that no one will take us up on the free offer. Thank you again for the time and effort you put in in your response.
Just so everyone knows, Tim Mueller has most graciously accepted the Power Pin "Challenge", which I very much appreciate, and look forward to his evaluation.
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