Our days of frustration are over :).

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Sure Hesh. Maximum efficiency and NO "dead Paul" smell in the room!!!!! :) When the time comes....enjoy me :) :) :)

The website says that it makes open chords sound like they're capoed. This is a feature?

I was thinking the same thing. 'Tired of open string notes ringing out, adding colour to your arpeggios? We have the solution!'

There are some things in this wonderful craft that I'm not getting ahold of and one of them is --

why fix something that isn't broken-- call me old school if you wish -- however  the one who came up with the bone nut had it together and as far as I'm concerned it works for me so I wont change a thing --

Just my two cents--

Peace, Donald

Exactly!  Could not agree more and every nut that we that we replace here is replaced with bone.  


I agree with Paul. What is his target customer? Much ado about nothing. I don't see this gizmo doing much other then making the maker some bucks.

It seems to be all about money and then do what ya ned to do-- just my two cents--

I'm less cynical. This guy just thinks a zero fret is the answer. Most of us would beg to differ. I'm guessing he's targeting the DIY crowd that doesn't own nut files. 

Nevertheless, I applaud innovation and am ready to offer constructive criticism, but in the end the market will sort it out. Besides, all inventors and entrepreneurs are in it for the money. It's their reward for risking their capital.

Many have offered gadgets for cutting consistent nut slots. Here's the new StewMac product called the Safe Slot Nut Guard:

Safe Slot Nut Guard

Hey Robbie... I bought that SafeSlot Nut Guard from StewMac and had to return it. It's probably more me than the tool, but I just couldn't make it work well.  

The adjustment on the bottom is what drove me crazy... too little pressure and the gauges weren't snug to the board... but too much pressure and they would bow to a smaller radius than the board, raising in the center of the fretboard. 

In the end, old habits prevailed: my fingers pressing the gauges works much better for me. The idea of having "both hands free" seemed like a good idea, but I learned it really wasn't an issue.

Again: it's probably more about the operator than the tool. If I were just starting-out, this tool might be very useful, but .... "old dogs, new tricks", etc. 

I tried laying a stack of feeler gauges on the fretboard against the nut. I had the same problem. Too much or two little pressure and the radius was off. A lot to deal with while cutting the slot.

Unless I get a very particular customer I dont get the feelers out as often as I used to. FF's method and a careful eyeballing gets great predictable results for me. If I do use feelers I just use one and measure between the string and the first fret. The safeslot stood out as gimmicky to me right away. You get used to needing 3 hands working on guitars anyway.


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