I have a set of No. 356 End Nippers that have worked flawlessly for a bunch of years. A while back I bought a lot of 'Luthier Tools' on Ebay that included a nearly new pair of No. 357 Nippers. I pulled them out to use them today, and they are stiff to work - as in very hard to open and close.  I am hoping some in-the-know toolie' can decipher this problem. A drop of Tri-Flow and working them for a while had no effect. After comparing the two; I did notice that the 356 has stamp lettering. 357 is printed. Has there been a ownership or quality change at Channel Locks? Forgery problems.... stupidity on my part? Any info, suggestion, rumors, or speculations are appreciated. Thanks.

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If a drop of triflow didn't do the trick, it means the two halves havec been assembled too tightly... I don't have any idea, except using them a lot, hoping that some wear will make them move easier.

1st suggestion: Check out for corrosion. Some nippers get corroded on the inside, and that builds up between the halves.

2nd suggestion: by not being used in a long time, the lubricant compound could get almost solid. Happens a lot when using WD-40.

Thanks. I going to try bathing them naptha for while and re-lube.  

I've had this happen before. If all else fails try taping the axle/rivet with a center punch on the side that inst fixed to to the nippers. gently !  then try it. if it still doesn't work get a bigger hammer  :)

My soaking idea was null and void. I will try the tapping and big hammer. I noticed that they click when fully opened. I got a super deal on the lot and these weren't my target item. It is a shame they don't work well. I don't feel right about my original plan to re-sell them. They are incredibly stiff!  Meanwhile, I will still thinking...

My penetrant of choice is Kroil (the oil that creeps). It is so thin that you can't help but spill it a bit. You can get this from Machine shop supplies or Midway Arms. Rifle shooters use thes to clean metal jacketing from their barrels as it will actually get under the jacketing that has melted into the grooves.


Thanks Joshua, I have a friend that makes guns. I'll give him a call.

I have the same problem. At first they worked fine the other day while I was cutting a groove in 1/8" aluminum. Then, all of a sudden, they jammed up. I'm wondering if some metal flakes got jammed inside. I tried Tri-flow too with no results. I'm going to try some Blaster PB Penetrating Catalyst.

I'm glad that Robbie re-opend this.thread.

I have a set of Channel Lock diagonal cutters that had the same issue.

I found a great lubricant in the fishing supply section at my local farm supply store.  It's called "Hot Sauce".  It claims to from a molecular bond with the metal.  It's blood red and water thin.

It penetrates better than any lubricant I've used and it truly does what it claims to do.  It's pricey, but a little goes a long way.  It comes w/ a needle applicator. Anyway, it works better than Tri-Flow (my Favorite general purpose lube) for this application. It rescued a vintage tuning machine that Tri-Flow couldn't budge.

Highly recommended. Of course, your mileage may vary (: Oh diagonal cutters now work like a champ!!

Well that's two products I need to try.

... A funny thing happened on the way to Kroil: I put the nippers in my car. Then promptly totaled the car when I hit Bambi's Mom. Somehow the tool got the lost in that process. Weird day. Well, we're okay. I got a new car and no stuck nippers. Party on.

Forgot to remind you about the deer in the highway thing Tom, sorry and glad your OK.

Seems you missed the most important part, Thomas; Are you having Venison for Christmas dinner?

Actually, I shouldn't make fun of this. I had a friend that totaled a brand new Caddy for his girl friend's dad when a cow wandered into the road at night.  He just happened to be driving by our place at the time and one of the neighbor's cows was "out". Made a mess of the car and the cow. We put down the cow and thought we might have to do it to the car. They were lucky, the cow didn't quite make it through the windsheld. Glad you're OK.


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