Headstock repair jig that I would LOVE to get the plans for!

  •  Have a quick look at this vid. The maker is A2 Guitars,(I have no clue!) but is articulate here, gives terrific detailed description, and I am positive this person probably has a ton more jigs at his shop. I invited him to come over and post on this Forum too. I hope he joins, as people with as much instrument repair experience as this gent has, would be a welcome addition here. Anyone know whi the Gent is? 
  • A2 guitars repair jig

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Yeah - needed more coffee on the Ipe spelling. Lol! I'd actually never heard of it before my neighbor gave me a stack of it.  Incredibly heavy, dense, oily wood, like a gorilla version of teak I guess.  I'm still not sure what the best glue strategy for it would be.  After a moderately successful glue test on some scrap, I double-bisquited the front vertical spine to the end-grain board, and used aliphatic resin glue, because it's best for making the bisquits expand in their slots to make a strong mechanical joint.

I first saw this at one of the local lumber yards who stocked it for decking. I couldn't believe how heavy it was although the planks had very straight,  beautiful grain and  nice color. One of the yard employees said it has such a high mineral content that it wears out the carbide tipped blades on their cross cut saw very quickly so they started charging extra to cut it to order. 

Yeah, I could tell pretty quick on my bandsaw blade how fast it was wearing it down. I'd planned anyway to send my Forrest blades off to be sharpened after this, but the wood really cuts incredibly nice and crisp.

 It's pretty cool how every three months or so, this thread keeps popping up! I now even have new friends on Facebook because of it... 

I already want to rebuild/modify my jig lol.

A double-bonus feature my jig has, that I didn't even engineer into it purposefully, was something someone else mentioned upthread.  He wanted to have the ability to dry-clamp the repair, and then completely open the joint to apply glue, make adjustments, etc, and then have it index exactly right back into position.  Well, because I left a lot of overlength on my threaded rod, I found out by accident that it articulates the joint just perfectly! 

My machinist brother is a super hero.  Thank you to David Collins, Frank Ford, and all who contributed to this idea. This jig will make these jobs so much more efficient.

That... is... AMAZING! Holy cow, that is one incredible jig! 

This looks definitive.

WOW!  That's a beautiful example of machining skill and expertise.  

Now you will be able to do invisible headstock repairs reliably and repeatedly.

Nice going Thomas and Bro!


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