I had a problem with the bridge lifting on the latest guitar that I made. I used Titebond, so i've decide to use hide glue the next time. I read an article in fine Woodworking where they recommend Milligan & Higgins. I see that thet have several strengths. I'm assuming that I should use 315gm strength for any guitar construction. Is this true?
The 192 gram strength is a good general purpose glue
The 251 gram strength glue is traditionally the most appropriate for regular cabinetwork.
The 192 gram strength "high clarity" is more expensive than its cousins because it is especially refined for maximum transparency.
The 315 gram strength is a special purpose glue for very high stress applications. It is favored primarily by instrument makers for situations where a joint will be under constant force. Of the glues the 315 has the shortest open time.